Test Your Willpower and Make a Difference...
Give It Up for Happy Days is a great way to get sponsored to give something up for a day, and help raise funds to give brave kids across the UK a special day to rememeber.
Here are a few ideas on things you can give up:
Give up your car or the bus for the day and walk or cycle instead. It's a great way to excercise, get fit and change lives.
Feel better by giving up unhealthy snacks, food or drink. Give up your coffee and donate the proceeds to help those less fortunate. Try it for the day and see how you get on!
Take on the toughest challenge in the world! Give yourself an IT detox and give up your mobile phone for the day!
Give something up to your advantage! Take a day off wearing your uniform or suit and have a dress down day. It's all for a good cause after all!
Thank You Give It Up! T-Shirt
Everyone that raises over £25 in sponsorship will receive one of our Happy Days T-Shirts.
Simply return your completed sponsor form to us, or Create a Happy Days Justgiving Page and drop us an email and we'll post you your thank you gift.
Anytime, Anywhere...
You can organise a Give It Up! at any time of the year and make a real difference to the lives of brave kids right across the UK.
Order Your Entry Pack Today!
For an entry pack and sponsor form, you can complete the form below with your message, call Nicola on 01462 530710 or email nicola@happydayscharity.org
You can also click on the images to download a poster and sponsor form.