What is Out & About?
For over 30 years, Happy Days Children's Charity has been organising special days out for children right across the UK living with mental, physical and emotional challenges.
Happy Days 'Out & About' is a new initiative which aims to encourage local businesses and leisure providers to join us in our efforts to support days out for children in their own communities.
And whilst initially we've started with Hertfordshire, our home county, we'll be looking to take Out & About out to other UK regions over the coming years. So stay tuned!
How Does It Work?
We're encouraging local Hertfordshire businesses and groups to donate or raise sponsorship to help fund special days out for vulnerable children specifically in the local area.
We're aiming to partner with lots of Herts based activity providers and venues (museums, theatres, animal parks, theme parks, workshops etc) to help host days out for the children, as well as raise awareness of our partnership and Out & About days.
By partnering with local donors and venues, and by building a portfolio of fun, simple and affordable local days out, we're aiming to help even more children with memorable experiences, even at a time when resources are stretched.
This is a really exciting project and we're looking forward to building new connections and empowering communties to make a difference on their doorstep. So if you're a venue or business that would like to get involved, or if you're a SEND school or support group that would like a day out to one of the venues below, please do give Rob or Nicky a call on 01462 530710 or email campaigns@happydayscharity.org and start making a real difference to amazing kids in your community today.
Best wishes
Rob, Nicky and the Happy Days Team
out & about supporters
OUR ACTIVITy partners